Did you know that almost one of every three Canadian workers belongs to a union?
Better wages
Better health care, pensions and other benefits
A stronger voice through collective bargaining
Job security
A right to vote on your contract
Better working conditions
Guaranteed work hours and family time
During difficult times, our members have enjoyed increased benefits without the worry of concessions.
And much, much more.
negotiate collective agreement you can count on
human rights and health & safety protection
educational opportunities and education bursaries
legal representation
grievance procedure and alternative dispute resolution
peace of mind for you and your family
Joining a union is a basic democratic right that is protected by law throughout Canada. It is your decision. The employer must honour the "statutory freeze period" where your wages and benefits are maintained during collective bargaining.
Please download our guide to organizing here and an article that debunks some common myths of joining a union here.
Are wages important to you?
Do you need a comprehensive health care plan?
Maybe you need security for retirement?
Is health and safety a concern?
Maybe it’s just a collective voice you are seeking?
Perhaps you are simply frustrated with the boss and the ever changing company policies?
Just because you're a member of International Union of Operating Engineers, you can enjoy savings providing discounted services. For more details on great offers, click here.
There is financial assistance available to the dependents of IUOE 772 members who are or will be entering post-secondary education. For more information, find the applications here.
"I wanted to reach out and say thank you for everything over the years. Plenty of phone calls and unforgettable knowledge about the labour market was passed on to me. I’m proud to have been a 772 member and won’t ever forget my experience."
Brian L.
“More than 90% of the workers from Toronto and Scarborough groups are willing to join IUOE. Some of the workers have already spoken to other unions and are not happy with the response they have received. I informed them of the good work that Local 772 is doing, and of the terrific union Manager that we have.”
R. Maharaj, Member at large
“I take this opportunity in also thanking the International Union of Operating Engineers who welcomed me into the organization. Myself and my family will be forever grateful to the agents for pointing me in the right direction to live a very fruitful and rewarding life in my adopted country.”
G. Sands, Member at large
“My time with this organization has shown me what can truly be accomplished when people work together to meet the numerous challenges facing the labour movement. This privilege by virtue of my membership in this great Union of Operating Engineers has been very rewarding. Some of the greatest moments of my life were spent in service to the Local. I’m proud to say, both the International Union of Operating Engineers and Local 772 have been a constant companion and friend throughout my career and have always been there for me. I have enjoyed working with all of you. By all accounts, your professionalism commands my utmost respect. I’m proud to be an Operating Engineer!”
D. Roach, Member at large
“The training that I’ve received from my Union has been enjoyable and very informative. As a member and Shop Steward for Local 772, I am very impressed.”
A. Baker, Local 772 Member and Shop Steward
“Our union tells it like it is, protects our collective agreement rights, and we the Union members, trust, respect and believe in our Union and my Representatives.”
Excepts from R. Laflamme, Local 772 Member and Shop Steward
“I am very grateful to be a member of the IUOE, my Business Agent and Shop Stewards have been very helpful when I needed them!”
P. Maillard, Local 772 Member and Shop Steward