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Stop Doug Ford’s Appeal of Bill 124

On November 29, 2022, Bill 124 was ruled as a violation of the constitutional rights of public-sector workers after a three year battle fought in courts, protests and community support. The Court has declared the legislation “void and of no effect.”

Now the Ontario Premier wants to appeal the courts ruling further delaying what is owed to public sector workers including the health care and education sectors, wasting more taxpayers money. Nurses are quitting, retiring early or finding other jobs across the border that pay significantly more in salaries. It has never been more clear that we are in a crisis when it comes to health care especially in trying to retain our nurses and attracting new nurses to replace those that have left. 

Liberal interim Leader John Fraser also said in a statement, "Doug Ford needs to accept the court’s ruling."

Ford’s government must be stopped now so that we can begin immediately putting an end to this crisis and begin the slow and much needed recovery of staffing in our medical and educational systems.


Visit the petition page here

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